Tuesday, April 19, 2011

One Thing I've Been Wondering About

Here I am again! After one year out of many years. So that will be from 2000 to how many years you want it to be. Well, if you ask me I guess I'll pick the year 2010 because that's last year and that's one year out of many years. Ha! I'm talking nonsense again. As usual. Now, who's crazy? It kinda makes me laugh because I didn't understand a word or rather a letter I just wrote. Again, I must tell you, it's all so confusing! (Yes, my favorite punchline! If you even call it a punchline! Kidding! And right now I am rolling my eyes but they're not exactly rolling since I don't know how to do that. Seriously!) Anyway, I can choose any year whatever year I want to choose. This is my blog after all. No one can stop me and you can't stop me. I have this free will and it's my freedom to write anything I want. Laugh out loud. That's harsh! And yes, thanks to Blogger I can blog any post I want to blog.

By the way, where have I been lately? Whoa! Who am I kidding? The truth is I'm just too lazy to blog. Honestly, I almost forgot that I even had a blog at all. And since there's no one who even cared at all, what's the point of having a blog? Well, don't mind them. It's all about me, me, me. And not anyone else. That's why it's called a blog! You see that? I'm changing my mood. I'm moody, yey! Well, I'd be surprised if someone or anybody is reading this right now. Thanks for the time! I wouldn't call it a waste but you're currently wasting your time. Go do something else! kidding! honestly, thank you.

And it's ironic right? I'm too lazy to blog and yet I even forgot I had a blog. Wait, is it ironic? or not? I don't even know what ironic means. Well, give me a break! It's been one year since I've written a blog. What can I say? I just miss blogging even though I know I've only wrote one blog. And after just one blog, I think it's still worth it. Well, rest assured folks! (If there's even a folk! I'm pretty sure no one reads my blog. Ever! And I said go do something and don't read this!) I think I'm going to blog every day now. Well, not every day. Let's just say most of the time. Or is it every time? Whatever! You know what I mean.

Okay, okay! I'll stop blabbering, quibbling, gibbering, tittle-tattling, talking nonsense or whatever it is you want to call it. And what can you do? It's my job. Well, not actually my job but it's what I do. It's what most people do. And most importantly it's in my nature. Did I just sound like a person who loves gossiping? No wonder there's always a rumor roaming around. Can't help it since it's what I love and I tell you I really love watching gossip girl. I wonder what will happen to Blair and Chuck now. Do you think she'll choose Prince Louis over Chuck? Hm, I wouldn't count on it! Well, I just can't wait for the season finale! Back to the topic -uh what was I talking about? Anyway, here's another ironic thing, most people notice me as a quiet person and what they really don't know is they don't know about me, about anything at all. Not too sound too serious but -okay, enough! The truth is I really don't do well on things like that. You know. Getting all serious and dramatic and you feel like the world's worst problem is you. Well not you. That's just sounds like a super villain. What I'm trying to say is - I forgot. I really don't know what I'm trying to say. Didn't I just tell you? Well, not literally but I can certainly tell that I've mentioned it before on my first blog that I really don't like heart's to heart's talk. I even spelled it wrong.

So, that's it for today. I know, I know. All I talk about is -well, I didn't talk about anything at all. Just quibbling nonsense. Again! I said I wouldn't do that anymore. Yeah, I really do sound ridiculous. I even look like ridiculous. And I'm ridiculous! Honestly, I don't even know what to say right now. And yes, I'll really try my best to write something on my blog that makes sense. And let me tell you about something I've always been wondering. And I warn you. Yes, I'm deep!

"Why do people always search for that right person, someone they can relate to, for someone to hold, and someone to love for a lifetime, or let's call it "The One." Isn't it about waiting? Or maybe we don't have to wait at all. It's just there when the right time comes. Well - right time, right person. And then somewhere along the way when things doesn't work as planned, when there's a broken heart, it feels like we can't live without that certain someone and that's when we start to long for someone who can love us back or maybe realizing that we're only meant to be single. All alone. But then why feel sorry for yourself when there's already God who loves us from the beginning more than anything in the world?"

Keeping memories,

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